*These are companies who others have used successfully, not necessarily “endorsed” by The Canyons, just helpful info!

AC and Heating
Necessary Services254-675-6757
Elite Electric 254-998-0175 (Canyons resident)
Septic Services
Flornoy Septic 254-707-2132
Speights Septic 254-694-4406
Water Service:
Our water service is provided by Texas Water Utilities: www.swwc.com/texas Customer Service # 866.654.7992
email: TXCustmerCare@swwc.com

Gas Service:
We do not have natural gas lines and most residents have propane.
A couple of propane providers are AmeriGas, StarTex and Bluebonnet Propane.

Trash Service:
Trash service is available through Bob’s Rural Garbage and a few others.

Utility Providers:
Our power lines are serviced Texas / New Mexico Power, but various actual providers and plans can be selected at powertochoose.org