Fire Departments:
In case of emergency call 911! The Canyons’ primary assigned and dedicated fire department is Lakeside Village FD. The entire Bosque County operates completely under volunteers. They depend on donations! To donate to any fire department, see below. If you have any other fire related questions or need any assistance other than an emergency, reach out by mail below or read on.
Lakeside VFD, 115 CR 1296, Morgan TX 76671
Shane Waller, Kopperl VFD, PO Box 281, Kopperl TX 76652
West Shore VFD, 323 CR 1744, Clifton TX 76634
Morgan VFD, PO Box 305, Morgan TX 76671
Regarding Burning:
Call the Bosque County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number at 254-435-2363 to learn the status of burn bans in Bosque County AND to report if you plan to burn.
Outdoor burning is permissible as long as there is not a burn ban in effect and conditions are safe. You should always take precautions when burning trash or engaging in any type of outdoor burning activity. Remember, negligent outdoor burning is a crime regardless if a burn ban is in effect or not.
Allowing your fire to escape onto someone else’s property is a Class C misdemeanor offense (the same as violation of a burn ban) that is punishable by a fine up to $500.
Deliberately setting fire to someone else’s property is arson, which is a felony offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and a prison term of from 2 years to 99 years in prison.
Consider these tips for outdoor burning:
- Create a defensible space of at least 30 feet around your house and outbuildings; closely mow lawns and trees should be pruned and spaced widely apart.
- Establish fuel breaks along roadways and between buildings and fields or woodlands.
- Keep mufflers and spark arresters on agricultural equipment in proper working order and watch out for rocks and metal when bush hogging or mowing.
- Monitor hay-baling operations closely, dry hay can ignite within the baler.
- Watch out for sparks when using welding equipment to build fences or repair equipment.
- Avoid driving or parking vehicles in grassy areas where tall, dry grass comes into contact with hot pollution control equipment under vehicles.
- Postpone outdoor burning until your area greens up.
- When debris burning is allowed, establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil prior to lighting your fire.
- Burn trash in a burn barrel or other fire-safe receptacle covered with a wire mesh or gird that will help contain burning debris. Stay with your fire until it is out.
We all have a part to play in keeping ourselves, neighbors and friends safe when we burn. If you have any questions please contact OEM at 254-435-2807.
Hunting or discharging of firearms is prohibited in The Canyons Community.
*If you click this link below it will take you to Bosque County Emergency Notification System where you can sign up for alerts by phone, email or texts and select what kind of alerts you’d like to receive.
This system enables local officials to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as water outages, tornado warnings, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods. Choose the weather alerts you wish to receive from the National Weather Service. You may receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more. You pick where, you pick how.
Click this link to sign up for the alerts:
Fund Raising:
The funds raised through our efforts goes solely to maintaining the community, including, but not limited to, maintaining roads, the dock, the community center & property and liability insurance.
Water Service:
Our water service is provided by Texas Water Utilities: Customer Service # 866.654.7992 email:
Gas Service:
We do not have natural gas lines and most residents have propane. A couple of propane providers are AmeriGas, StarTex and Bluebonnet Propane.
Trash Service:
Trash service is available through Bob’s Rural Garbage and a few others.
Utility Providers:
Our power lines are serviced Texas / New Mexico Power, but various actual providers and plans can be selected at
These donations keep the community running and are vital!
Please donate to help maintain your lakeside community!
We have provided a convenient link for donations via PayPal, or scan the QR Code

If you are a property owner and would like to receive a newsletter by email or important community updates, alerts or event reminders, please email us your name, property address and phone number at: Canyons POA . This info will not be shared for any other purpose.